Maria Pulkka runs for presidency of the NCF

Maria Pulkka, KeNu

Maria Pulkka, KeNu

Maria Pulkka Runs for the presidency of the NCF. Maria Pulkka from Keskustanuoret (KeNu) was unanimously elected by the board to step in as operating president until the Repskap 2021 in April. She is now seeking to continue as president. 

Maria Pulkka is 21-years old and lives in Kuopio, Finland.  She is currently KeNu’s international officer and She has experience in politics for several years. She is studying economics at the University of Eastern Finland. 

“Nordic co-operation is close to my heart. NCF is my family and I want to continue my work as a president. I want to build the NCF towards more ambitious goals. Pandemic has set us difficult times, but I am very optimistic that NCF could have an event in the Fall 2021.” 

The Nordic Centre Youth will elect a new board and a new President at the digital Repskap, 10th - 11th of April.