Are you our next Secretary General?

We're hiring!

Nordiska Centerungdomens Förbund (NCF) is an umbrella organisation for the Nordic centre-liberal youth parties. NCF was established 1965 and consists of nine member organisations from all Nordic countries. The NCF consists of: Centerpartiets ungdomsförbund (CUF), Centerstudenter (CS) Keskustan Opiskelijaliitto (KOL), Keskustanuoret (KeNu), Samband Ungra Framsoknarmanna (SUF), Radikal Ungdom (RU) Senterungdommen (SUL), Svensk Ungdom (SU) and Åländsk Ungcenter (ÅUC).

The job
The Secretary General is responsible for the administration and economy of the organization as well as execute the decisions of the board. You will also be participating in planning and organizing events and projects of the organization together with the board. You will be updating our webpage and be our contact to member organizations and the Nordic Youth Council (Ungdomens Nordiska Råd). At NCF meetings you will be representing the office and prepare the issues for the board and Annual Meetings. You will furthermore be able to develop the organization in close cooperation with the board and the president.

You as a candidate

We require that you’ve been active in one of our member organizations. You must be able to communicate fluently in English since it is our main administrative and meeting language. We furthermore require that you are able to speak and write a Scandinavian language (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish).

What’s in it for you?

The position as Secretary General is a part time job (about 25% of full time). The job will give you great experience in organizational work and you will be delegated a lot of responsibility. It will also provide you with contacts and an overview of the political life within the Nordics. You’ll be able to travel and share memorable experiences with Nordic friends from the centre-liberal movement.

Great! How do I apply?

Please submit your written application and CV before 18th of March 2016. The application must be sent by e-mail to

Interviews will take place between 24th of March and 7th of April. We will train you for the job during spring 2016. We hope you can start working in the beginning of May by participating in NCF’s Annual Meeting in Norway 29th April – 1 May 2016.

For further information, contact:

Jose Forslund, Secretary General of the NCF

+358400639483 |